I was deeply touched recently whilst watching the funeral of Princess Diana. She was the epitome of love in action and yet she was human. She must have been a great soul to take on such a difficult life experience, marrying into such a cold family with a husband she loved, who was carrying on an affair with a mistress quite openly from the very beginning of her marriage; what deep wounds she must have suffered and yet it opened her heart to love. Love not only her sons but for wider humanity. Her work with aids, the homeless, the underprivileged, the children maimed by mines and many more charities of which she was a patron. She suffered from bulimia and also deep depression, throwing herself downstairs whilst pregnant to try and get some sympathy and love from a husband who was not there for her on any level.

She had all the emotional ups and downs that human life brings, so many traumas, so much deep despair of being unloved, feelings of being isolated with nobody to turn to, feelings of jealousy and abandonment, not only from her husband but also her mother who left when she was only 10 years old. But all of this deep unhappiness and sorrow turned her inwards to find solace and a deep connection with her soul. She knew she was destined to die young and in a predetermined accident (by those who felt she was in the way) so she lived her life to the full embracing love where she could find it. Yes, she had affairs but who can blame her? but she extended herself so much to others. What princess would spend time with Mother Theresa tending to the dying? Her tragic death opened up the heart chakra of all of humanity! I remember the deep collective feeling of grief that hung over the entire world for over a week. People from every country were touched and in the morning, and mountains of flowers were left outside her home, Kensington Palace, and also Buckingham Palace and other royal residences and churches as people queued for hours to sign condolence books in churches all around the country and when it came to her funeral people were openly crying and wailing as if she was their own family after having camped on the pavement from the previous day to be close to her on her last journey to her final resting place Althorpe her family home.

Crowds like this for a funeral had never been seen before and will probably never be seen again as humanity allowed its heart chakra to open wide in deep sorrow and grief and to encompass her to their hearts as their people’s princess. Through Diana, we see how we can turn ourselves away from petty mundane day to day living with all of its ups and downs, happiness and sorrow, trials, and tribulations to see the bigger picture. That we also can epitomize love and reach out to others no matter what is going on in our own lives. We can be selfless instead of selfish. We can be nonreactive when others provoke us, and we can see all and everything as divinity in action, as we are all part of an evolutionary leap in consciousness that is taking place now, at this moment in history, that unites us all in a common bond and calls us to look beyond the surface the superficial mundane routine of daily life. And embrace the one source of all that is, that which is calling us home as a soul aspect of itself!
We can then together move forward into this new paradigm and birth this new age and a new era, living the love that we truly are and encompassing and reflecting that love in everything we do; as a personification of oneness and of divinity in action here on planet earth NOW. As we allow heaven and earth to unite through us and birth collectively the new christ consciousness enabling the seeding of a new planet and the dawning of the long-promised golden age.