Because of the outbreak of Corona Virus, Valerye is living now living in Camelot, Glastonbury, England and working very powerfully over Skype or Facebook with startling results!
Please email for more information.
Valerye is overshadowed by the Masters in all of her teachings, making them unique to the individual concerned.
In finding Reiki and being drawn to learning and applying the energy given, you are embracing that part of the divine which seeks to restore the harmony, the light, and the beauty which makes us what we truly are. Prepare for a journey of self-discovery, a personal sojourn to find the truth of all things. From now on life will never be quite the same as it was!
Usui and Tibetan Reiki
In finding Reiki and being drawn to learning and applying the energy given, you are embracing that part of the divine which seeks to restore the harmony, the light, and the beauty which makes us what we truly are. Prepare for a journey of self-discovery, a personal sojourn to find the truth of all things. From now on life will never be quite the same as it was!

History of Usui Reiki
Usui Reiki was rediscovered in the mid 1800s by Dr. Mikao Usui who after meditating for a number of years, realised that it was his mission in this lifetime to rediscover the ancient form of healing that was used by all the great prophets throughout history. A healing that manifested on all levels, spiritual, emotional, mental and physical.
He travelled throughout Japan visiting Buddhist temples and searching for someone who had the answer to how he could learn this ancient form of healing. Eventually he became friends with the abbot of a Zen monastery who was also interested in physical healing, as in the laying on of hands. Here he stayed and studied the Buddhist scriptures, the Sutras. The Japanese translations did not have the answers he sought, so he learned Chinese in order to study the books in their original language. Still without success, he learned Sanskrit, so that he could read the buddist writings that had never been translated into another language. In the Indian sutras, written in Sanskrit, he discoved the formula for contacting a higher power that the Buddah himself had used.
At the end of a 7 year search Dr. Usui had the information but not the ability to heal. after meditating on this he was guided to go to the mountain of Kori-Yama to fast and meditate for 21 days. He set out 21 stones to remind him of the passing of time, and just as he was about to give up on the 21st day, he was aware of a brilliant beam of light shooting towards him and he realised that the light was going to strike him and it felt so powerful that he felt it might kill him. He had no choice but to remain and although he was struck on the 3rd eye, he was not knocked unconscious but into an altered state of consciousness which transported him into another dimension where he recaived the Symbols their knowledge and the sacred attunement process which all Reiki Masters use today.

As he jubilantly skipped down the mountain, he stubbed his big toe, tearing the toenail, which started to bleed profusely. He jumped with the pain and intuitively, without thinking, grabbed his big toe in his hands. In minutes the pain was gone and the bleeding stopped. This was his first miracle to show that he had indeed rediscoved this ancient form of healing.
When he reached the foot of the mountain, he found himself very hungry and he stopped at an inn for food. The innkeeper, seeing him looking very bedraggled and hearing that he had been on a 21-day fast warned him not to eat such a large meal. But Dr. Usui went ahead and ate it without any adverse effects. This was his 2nd miracle.
Thie innkeeper, by now very impressed, took Dr. Usui to his daughter whose face was very swollen as she had been suffering for 3 days from a very bad toothache. Dr. Usui laid his hands on her face and in minutes the swelling subsided and the pain stopped. This was the 3rd miracle.
Dr. Usui now knew beyond any shadow of doubt that he had rediscovered this ancient form of healing which we now call Usui Reiki.
For the next 7 years Dr. Usui worked in a beggar camp in Kyoto, healing the sick. After healing those that were young and able he sent them off to find work, but he began to notice that those he had helped kept returning. He asked the beggars why and they answered that working was hard and it was easier to beg. Dr. Usui realised that he had not taught the beggars to appreciate their life, or a new way of living. So he left the beggar camp and looked for people who longed to be healed. He taught people how to heal themselves by giving them the attunement process and also the princuples of Reiki, to heal their thoughts. He also realised thatr there had to be an energy exchange for Reiki to be valued and this is also one of the attributes that we use today.
Knowing that he was coming to the end of his life, he passed on the safe keeping of Reiki to Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, who was one of 16 people that Dr. Usui passed on the Master Attunement to.

Dr. Chujiro Hayashi opened a Reiki clinic in Tokyo and kept records of treatments which demonstrated that Reiki finds the source of the physical symptoms, fills the energy need, and restores the body to wholeness. He used this information and his inner guidance to create the hand positions, the system of 3 degrees, and the Initiation proceedure. One of his clients was a lady called Hawayo Takata, of whom we will speek later, and it was she to whom he passed on the safe keeping of Reiki.
He was a very high soul and received the inner guidance that a war was coming, and as a naval officer he would be called up and required to serve in active service for his country. Having an abhorance of taking life under any conditions, he threw a farewell supper for his friends, including Mrs. Takata, explained his dilemma and after passing on the safekeeping of Reiki to a woman, Madam Takata, knowing that she would not be called upon to die in active service, he exited his body through his Crown Chakra.
Hawayo Takata was the daughter of a Japanese immigrant living in Hawaii, she went to Japan to receive medical treatment for a tumour. In hospital, as she was prepared for surgery, she heard a voice saying that the operation was not necessary. She passed on this information to the nurse who had heard about Dr. Hayashi, so she refused surgery and was taken to Dr. Hayashi’s clinic. In 4 months she was completely healed and asked to learn Reiki herself. She stayed with him for 1 year and then returned to Hawaii. Dr. Hayashi visited her in Hawaii, helping her to establish Reiki there, and initiated her as his 13th and last Reiki Master.
Mrs Takata introduced Reiki to America, and valued the gift of Reiki so much that she would charge high prices to give Reiki. If you wanted to become a Reiki Master in her day you would probably have had to sell your house! As this was the appreciation and commitment she was looking for from her students.

Course Outline
Reiki 1
History of Reiki
Meditation with the Ascended Masters, Angels and Usui Masters
Usui 1 Attunement
Practice of the Front Hand Positions
[Lunch Break]
Meditation and Chakra Balancing with the Ascended Masters, Angels and Usui Masters
Tibetan 1 Attunement
Practice of Hand Positions for the Back
Reiki for Plants and Animals
Reiki First Aid
Reiki Self Healing
Using Reiki with other therapies
Questions and Answers
Discussing Progression to Reiki 2
Certification Ceremony with Teaching Manual
Course Outline
Reiki 2
Test on the 3 Reiki Level 2 Symbols (sent out previously to learn)
Meditation with the Ascended Masters, Angels and Usui Masters
Usui Reiki 2 Attunement
Working with each individual symbol to feel its unique frequency
Power Symbol – Mental/Emotional Symbol – Distant Symbol
Working with Affirmations and Empowering Goals
[Lunch Break]
Meditation and Chakra Balancing with the Ascended Masters, Angels and Usui Masters
Tibetan 2 Attunement
Distant healing:
Teddy Bear
Healing Book
Proxy Patient
Questions and Answers
Discussing Progression to Reiki Masters
Certification Ceremony with Teaching Manual
Course Outline
Reiki Masters
Test on the Reiki Master Symbols (sent out previously to learn)
Meditation with the Ascended Masters, Angels and Usui Masters
Usui Masters Attunement
Working with each individual symbol to feel its unique frequency
Teaching how to attune to the Usui system at every level
[Lunch Break]
Meditation and Chakra Balancing with the Ascended Masters, Angels and Usui Masters
Tibetan Master Attunement
Practice with these symbols to feel the difference
Teaching how to attune to the Tibetan system at every level
How to use the Violet breath technique and hold the Hui-Win Point
Incorporating the Teachings at every level of the Usui and Tibetan systems
Questions and Answers
Discussing Progression to Karuna Reiki
Certification Ceremony with Teaching Manual
Reiki Masters
I will go from here and teach Reiki, thanks.
M.S.A really special day filled with love and connection to who I really am. Looking forward now to using my Reiki Mastership.
A.B.Wonderful day. Looking forward to teaching with tibetan as well as Usui. Thank you.
D.C.Looking forward to my new life changing experience.
L.S.Very deep, very profound. Only the future will show what went on on an inner level.
A.W.Wonderful. No words can express what I feel – grateful, thanks.
M.S.Absolutely blown away!
AbdulWhat can I say – seems odd to write my name – Who am I? God knows – reborn, heart first!
K.L.Absolutely amazing, Nothing I can write can describe what has happened this weekend, the way is love.