(Channelled by Valerye in deep trance on 27th October 1993)
Valerye’s Mission Concerning Camelot
About God
God is the Primaeval Architect of all of the universe, he is the Life Force that sustains all growth: in Him you live and breathe and have your being because he is the Cosmic Consciousness that has been, and will be, the Cosmic Principle of all Creation. God is the Unifying Force that holds all of Creation in His hands. He is the Unifying Breath that breathes in all of life, for without his Unifying Power, Nature could not be sustained and growth could not take place.
God is a force that is without the scope of Man’s finite mind: but he is a mind and spirit as you are mind and spirit. There has been no time when God has not existed, but He like you, is ever growing and expanding because you are all a molecular cell in the body of God that is the Universal Mind. Within His Consciousness and under His Juristication there are many celestial Angels and Devic Lords (Ascended Masters) of the Universe who, according to His will, unfold the destiny of all Creation; both on this sphere of activity that you call your Earth, and also on all other Planes of Being.
God is all unto Himself; he is the very epitome of Life, and the Body that sustains this Life: for everything that lives and breathes in matter has its sustinance within that cosmic energy. Man is God made visible. God has all the organs and cells that you have but His cells and organs are all a part of the cellular structure of the Universe and Galaxies; and His vital energy and force, which is also made up of the same electrons as man’s own, goes forth and sustains all of Life.
God is Unifying Love, and although his powers are not within the understanding of the finite mind, His consciousness is such that all Powers come within His juristiction as do all natural laws. There can be no mistakes that all of Life and the Destiny of the Human Race is unfolding as part of His plan, for the Unifying Power of His Love runs through all individuals on all levels of existence: those both Spiritual and Physical.
On other spheres and planets there are many galaxies each controlled by a central Sun, that Man has no knowledge of, and each contains the Life Force in some form or another. It is not necessary for Man to exist only in the present form: there will come a time on Earth when the Life Force will, through the Power of Love, be released in Men’s hearts and sustain itself in the Cosmic Rays manifesting from the Heart of the Creative Principle called God.
We can only liken God to a computer. All of life is programmed and has a part to play within this great Unifying Mind, and when Man realises that only the Pathway of Love is the sustinance for His growth, then, and only then, can this great Unifying Power that molds all, creates all, regenerates all, and sustains all of Life, fully manifest in the hearts of Man. And only then will Man be able to Manifest the Divinity that God, as part of Himself, has planted as a seed of Himself, in the souls of Men: to flower at the right time according to their level of consciousness. God is all unto Himself, but you and all of Creation are part of the Cosmic Structure of God.
We have a mission to bring Truths of the highest purity to the ears of Man; that he may understand more of the working structure, unfolding and advancement of the Universe and all that is sustained in it, not only in this galaxy but many others. For the Devic Lords of the Planetary Rays (Ascended Masters) that sustain the Cosmic Energy that manifest in the atomic structure of each living cell in the universe, is a co-creator with God for the sustinance of Life on all levels of existence.
A Home Called Camelot

(Channelled for Valerye by Spirit by Lisa Dickinson August 1994)
Laughing children dance
in the eyes of many;
who are now drawn to the light.
The doorways of your ancient castle open –
allowing the love and light of spirit
to dance in your halls.
At last,
the hearts of awakened souls
begin to remember
who they truly are, and why it is that they journey.
Child of spirit,
beloved friend, sister.
our wisdom at times may lie heavy upon your shoulder,
but remember to walk that extra mile;
and that the love of spirit transforms and encloses you securely always…
Our colours merge in a dance of love,
a sacred union –
beyond mere words –
beyond mere time –
in light, honesty and harmony with thy spirit self,
you will always shine.
My Angels beat their wings,
carving back the obstacles.
Allowing your growth and serenity to flower.
The tide of change is upon you,
and as a transformer of change
the journey is often weary;
but lighten your heart and smile in the face of adversity,
for we smile with you.
Linking arms creating the chain,
bond to bond, heart to heart.
Light transforming all the many plains of existence.
Valerye my sister,
you were chosen long ago;
by yourself –
for this crucial time of transformation.
Open the doors of Camelot,
as you have opened your heart –
without fear.
For we guide and guard you.
May the love of universal consciousness
blind all insecurities and fears.
And the tears in your eyes and mine
be not of sorrow but of joy……

(Channelled for Valerye by Spirit by Lisa Dickinson August 1994)
Words cannot always express –
meanings found in the open heart.
Together, we have walked and sung with Angels;
dancing with the myridians of laughing dolphins,
heart to heart, eye to eye, we are one and the same.
Sing your song of hope, sister.
Sing with strong breath,
and true clear insight.
For the colour keys you now open,
are doors to ancient and familiar wisdoms.
Smile, smile, smile in the face of the doubtful,
for beyond their concers of the material realm –
there lies a heart of gold.