After Sai Baba’s death in 2011, I asked him for another living master and in 2015 he guided me to john de Ruiter. At first, I have not convinced John was the master I had asked for, but in a brief one to one session in the lunch break in India, I asked him if I needed a living master as I still felt sai baba alive in me. he said yes, and I asked how I would know which one as I had recently been with another master. He replied “go where the light burns brightest” and my soul responded aloud “that’s with you”. he responded “then you have to come and it won’t be safe and it won’t be comfortable. These words turned out to be very prophetic!
From 2015 I visited John’s retreats around the world in Holland, Germany, and India, until April 2019 when I was able to live as a member of his community in Edmonton. There have been many wonderful openings during my time with John and also under his guidance, a purification of the self has taken place. I feel now I have ultimately come home, not only to john and the community, but also to the divine, as an ongoing, and sometimes painful, purification and refinement of the self takes place, making it much easier to surrender, give up control, and live in the moment irrespective of what is happening in my life; which I clearly see is not the reality of who I am.
That my life is transient but I am the immortal Atma which has never been born and can never die, and that we are all aspects of the divine which knows only pure love, its essence. Therefore I can more easily live in harmony with whoever or whatever may challenge me in any moment as I see on the deepest level we are all playing our roles in the Leela of the divine and we are all at different levels of evolution on our journey home to oneness.