I went to midnight mass here in Lagoa, Portugal, on Christmas eve and I was really touched by the presence of the Christ Light in a way I have never been touched before. From 11:30pm – 12:45am I was in a very altered state transported to another dimension and a feeling of great peace enfolded me.
As the mass concluded I was given the words “this night a new light was born on earth.” and surges of energy becoming stronger and stronger engulfed my body in waves of bliss. I feel the conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter, the “Christmas star”, precluded this event, and like 2020 years ago, with the three wise men, heralded in the birth of Christ. This light from the Christos is now available, for those who are ready, to move forward into a new era of total equality and unconditional love. Peace will reign on Earth but only for those who are able to access it within themselves as THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN LIES WITHIN. The outer reality does not need to change to reach heaven, it is with you now; as a mantle of peace and love the like of which has never been known or felt before. This is the second coming of the Christ, not as a man but as a collective consciousness, that you are able to attune to in every moment, to its power and its glory, whilst seemingly walking and living in a world of madness, and yet at peace within.

This is the meaning of “to be in the world but not of it”, and Grace has descended to touch and align with all those who have lost identification and attachment to self and know they are here on earth to fulfill their destiny as a soul evolving back to oneness. This is not a time for the faint-hearted as the material world crumbles before our eyes, as sickness and death pervade us daily, as the monetary system prepares to crumble and as everything we have seen as our security vanishes before our eyes. It is the time to go within and feel the ever-living presence of your own divinity that needs nothing to sustain it but the love that it is has always been and always will be, the eternal Atma or God Self.