Praying for Humanity (March 2020)

Hello, everyone, we are living in unprecedented times as the world moves more into separation, as countries are isolating themselves from coronavirus and becoming housebound by government law; we are forced to redefine reality as we know it. This is a time for total surrender to whatever is happening now no matter how bizarre it may look it is all part of a purification process for mother earth and those that will remain to inhabit, love and serve her. Nothing happens apart from the Divine will and there is a bigger picture unfolding as the new is rebuilt from the substance of the old and we are forced in our isolation and fear of the unknown to allow our subconscious programming and patterns to surface and be transmuted into the love of the divinity that resides within us hidden by the self for so long.

I myself was expecting to be returning to Canada but events escalated so quickly I am back in England again. One of Sai Baba’s favorite quotes was love my uncertainty and this seems an appropriate time to share SURRENDER TO ME, thought of the day given by Sai Baba on 1st January 2002- “Why to get agitated, let me take care of all businesses, I shall be the one who will take care of them, I am waiting for nothing else than your surrender to me.
I intervene only when you completely surrender to me, and then you do not have to worry anymore about anything. Say farewell to all fears and discouragement, you demonstrate that you do not trust me, on the contrary, you must rely blindly on me. To surrender means to turn your thoughts away from troubles, to turn them away from the difficulties you encounter and all your problems. Leave everything in my hands saying.”
LORD THY WILL BE DONE”. That is to say LORD I thank you for you have taken everything in your hands and you will resolve this for my highest good. Remember thinking of the consequences of a thing is contrary to surrender, that is to say, when you worry that a situation has not had the desired outcome you demonstrate that you don’t believe in my love for you, you thus prove that you don’t consider your life to be under my control. Never think how is this going; what is going to happen; if you give in to this temptation you demonstrate that you don’t trust me.

Do you want me to take care of you, yes or no? Then you must stop being anxious about anything, I shall guide you only when you completely surrender to me. When I lead you in a different path than the one you expect I carry you in my arms. What upsets you is your reasoning, your worrying, your obsessions that you must provide for yourself at any price.
I can do so many things, as much in material necessities as in spiritual ones when you turn to me saying you arrange it and then rest in the assurance that I will. Don’t behave like the patient who goes to the doctor for treatment and then tells the doctor how to cure them, rather in every circumstance say ‘Lord I thank you for this problem please arrange the solution as you please, you know what is best for me. Sometimes you feel that disasters increase instead of diminishing. When you thus speak I even accomplish a miracle when necessary. I am always with you but I can only help you when you completely surrender to me.
So dear friends we know that there is a divine power at work that only works for good and we have to surrender to the divine plan knowing that there is no death, that only the body can die, and that we are the eternal Atma that has never been born and can never die and will always continue to evolve in the many mansions of the father’s house on other levels of existence vibrating at a different frequency than our own, then out of the ashes of the old will arise the new as we stand now on the threshold of the long-awaited Golden Age and feel the birth pangs as the earth mother prepares herself to give birth. We have been born for this time, it is why we are here on earth. We are the midwives for the rebirthing process.

There is always worry and concern around a birth process followed by celebration and great joy afterward. Surrender completely to the process as you live in the moment with an open heart and love for all humanity for on the deepest level we are all one and out of this apparent separation will come true oneness as we open our hearts to the love that we truly are, the love of the divine. In that way, we bring heaven to earth and allow ourselves to be in the world but not of it.