We are living in unprecedented times as we face a third world war, one very different than any that has gone before! one that shakes us out of our comfort zone of the normal routine, one that separates us from friends and family who do not live close by. Many people are asking how did this happen but more importantly they should be asking why did this happen? Maybe, just maybe, if you really open your heart and mind, you will see that it is all part of a divine plan with great intelligence that some may call God, or whatever they themselves perceive God to be, in action, as humanity and the planet and the solar system enters a new evolutionary spiral and gives birth not only to a new age but also to a new way of living on a higher frequency of light than before. Solar flares are bombarding our planet aiding this evolutionary leap in consciousness to take place we are under lockdown worldwide for a reason and that reason is love! You came from love and there has never been a time when you do not love, but now you have the ability to be love in action! Forget the body and all its ailments, forget the world and all its pressures and problems and dive into the divine reality of not only what you are but also where you came from, again love! This love reaches out to you to immerse yourselves into the depths, to really fall, or fall into, the love that you are. You have been given the time, how else would you spend it? Normal life is suspended, will it ever be the same again? I truly hope not!

This is the branching of the road, which way do you go? To love or to fear? Fear is the illusion and only love is real so take that leap into the arms of the beloved that has called you over so many lifetimes to come home. Love this virus epidemic for the opportunity it gives, the time to go within, the time to release the illusion of the world, the time to go HOME! You are given a human birth for a reason, even the Gods in the highest heavens do not have the ability to evolve that you do now on planet earth. Accept the pressure and the pain and love and welcome it for it is teaching you acceptance and non-attachment. You have the opportunity in THIS lifetime to become enlightened, to go beyond the illusion of Maya, the world and all its trappings, your family attachments, your petty concerns and troubles and live from love and BE love and share the love with all of humanity regardless of color or creed for all are one in LOVE. It is the SOURCE of everything finite and infinite it is within you!!